It’s never too soon to start planning…

InstructureCon 2025

Spokane, Washington July 22-24th, 2025

Missing your edu fam? Hungry for more edtech insights? Don’t worry. We’re already planning next year’s event. And what it will lack in neon lights, Eiffel Tower replicas, and triple-digit temps, it’ll make up for in mountain views, riverfront parks, and a one-sided rivalry with Seattle.

Why Attend InstructureCon?

If you’ve attended InstructureCon in the past, go ahead and skip this section. If you’ve never gotten off the “maybe” train, here are a few of the many reasons to make it happen in 2025.

Explore solutions to current educational challenges.

Hone your edtech skills, try new tools, and find out what Instructure has in the hopper.

Engage with peers and make lasting connections.

Enjoy time-honored InstructureCon traditions such as hack night, game night, ridiculous parties, and more.