Better Edtech Decisions Through Evidence.

Rapid-cycle evaluation is an ESSA-aligned approach education organizations use to generate practical, relevant evidence and make data-informed decisions that improve instructional, operational and financial outcomes.


An efficient, cost-effective path to edtech ROI

K-12 districts spend billions on edtech product licenses. With such a large investment, administrators need to examine whether edtech products have a positive impact on student achievement. LearnPlatform’s RCE engine, IMPACT, equips curriculum and instruction, technology, finance and other education leaders to make evidence-based decisions.

Improve priority edtech implementations

Inform budget decisions

Advance digital equity goals

A professor guiding the student in creating LearnPlatform account

Report types and schedule

Rapid-cycle analysis offers flexibility within a clear framework so you can cut through noisy data to gain clear insights. Leverage four distinct report types cyclically for a holistic view of edtech outcomes.

Fidelity of Use Analysis

See if students are actually using approved edtech tools, if they are using them as intended and how student groups compare. Run throughout the year to identify patterns and examine use from different periods of time.

Cost Analysis

Uncover edtech ROI at different points in the year, identify cost-related trends and gather data to inform budget conversations. Run throughout the year to maximize value for current students, or at year-end to determine future funding allocation.

Outcomes Analysis

Understand if specific edtech tools are producing the intended teaching and learning outcomes. Run quarterly to establish baseline expectations; monitor mid-year engagement and trends; review year-long engagement, effectiveness and impact; and gather retrospective takeaways to plan for future edtech decisions.

Teacher Feedback

Gather targeted qualitative feedback from staff to complement quantitative results. Run quarterly to gain understanding of what's resonating in the classroom to improve edtech implementation and support.

Ready to Take Control of Your EdTech?